
Paul Bristow (GBR)
Born in 1958, Paul started his Square-Dance-Class in 1975, Calling in 1976, and in 1977 he became a Club-Caller for the Rockin‘ 8s. In the Eighties Paul started to call at several events in Europe, and in the Ninetees in Australia, New Zealand and the USA.
Furthermore Paul already called at several European Conventions. He is currently managing the Caller-Training in Great-Britain. Since 1983, he is a Callerlab-Member.
Since 2000 he is the owner of Sting and Snow Records. Together with his wife Hazel Paul has two daughters.

David Dvorak (CZE)
David Dvořák was born in 1973 in Prague. He has been an active Caller and Teacher since 1990, calling Square Dancing up to C2 and teaching Country (Contra) Dancing.
For many years, David has been calling for clubs in the Czech Republic (Country Farrow, ComeBack Úvaly), as well as in Germany (Wild Bunch, Smiling Bavarians) and Austria (Dancing Strawberries, as guest for The WorkShoppers and Corvinus Dancers). David is Member of ECTA e.V., CSCTA o.s. and CCCDCA o.s. and has already called in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia and the UK.

Paddy Böhnke (GER)
Paddy was born in 1980, he attended his first Square-Dance class at the age of 13. As he enjoyed music and singing, calling seemed to be made for him.
The Crossroad-Cowboys in Dillingen collected donations from their members in order to make it possible for the teenager to attend his first Caller School. He is still much obliged to the club because of this.
Paddy calls at Special Dances throughout Europe from Mainstream to C1 and is part of the Caller-staff of the workshop-series in SC-Arendsee.
Together with his partner Kathi, he lives in Augsburg and designs concepts for offices.

Philipp Aff (GER)
Philipp was born in 1984 in Bad Kreuznach and lives in Hüffelsheim near Bad Kreuznach.
He started his first attempts in calling already during his class in 1998. After his graduation he called some tips on the club nights of his home-club Red Rock Hoppers.
Since 2007, Philipp is calling regularly as clubcaller. Meanwhile he calls for three clubs from beginner’s level to A2 and all over Europe at Specials and Jamborees. He holds classes on a regular basis.
Philipp is an active member of ECTA e.V. and Callerlab, was ECTA Secretary from 2007 to 2013. He held several seminars at ECTA- Conventions and is now taking the next steps towards caller training.

Chris Keller (GER)
Chris was born in 1980. At the age of 16 he attended a Square-Dance-Class and in 1997, he tried calling for the very first time. Initially he was an occasional substitute and gradually he assumed the role as Caller for an increasing number of clubs.
Temporarily he had five clubnights a week. Chris himself dances Square up to C1 and he has also graduated in Clogging and Round Dance.
In spring 2020, he moved to Saarland with his wife Claudia. Since then Chris calls at the Kuntry Kuzins Wiesbaden, the Wheelers & Dealers Zweibrücken and the Joyhunters SDC in Saarbrücken.

Joachim Rühenbeck (GER)
Joachim was born in 1958. He graduated after a square-dance-class in Solingen in 1980 and started to call in 1981.
Joachim is calling for several clubs continuously, e.g. the Triangle Squares, which he co-founded in 1995. He called at several events, and loves to do so with other Callers as well.
Joachim attended numerous Caller-Schools and trained Callers as well. He is an initiator and supporter of the EAASDC-Hearing-Aid – a project for people who want to have fun at dancing despite limitations in hearing.
Joachim likes to dance– not only Square Dance, but Round and Scottish as well. He works as a Software-Engineer and has lived in Wuppertal since 30 years.

Thomas Samuelsson (SWE)
Thomas lives in Malmö in Sweden as well as in Vienna. He used to be a folk dancer, sang in a choir and had local performances as a singer. In 1987 Thomas saw a square dance presentation. He was enthusiastic about it and joined a square dance club in Malmö. In 1988 Thomas started calling.
For 15 years he lived in Denmark. During this time Thomas has called and taught in various clubs. He has also called in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Austria and Poland. In Poland Thomas has held dance weeks for many years.
It gives him great pleasure to call from Basic to C2.

Tomas „Doug“ Machalik (CZE)
Doug lives in the Czech Republic in Kladno, not far from Prague. He has been dancing since 1995 and calling since 1997. He is a member of several caller-organizations and currently serving as the President of the CzechoSlovak Callers & Teachers Association.
Doug danced and called in many European countries and also in the USA and Taiwan. He is the club-caller in several clubs in three countries. He calls from beginner programs through A2 and does his best to entertain dancers with choreography that is as smooth as possible and offers variety.
It gives him great pleasure to call from Basic to C2.

Lucie Cervena (CZE)
Lucie started dancing in 1998, at a children’s dance-club in a town called Česká Skalice. She attended her first dance-event in 2001 and since then, dancing has been a part of her life. At the age of fifteen, she started teaching in Česká Skalice.
Currently, Lucie is a club-cuer for the Simple Diamond in Prague. Her first dance-event as a performer was in 2015 at “The biggest Pajrek ghost“ , since then Lucie has regularly cued at Czech and Slovak events. She has also cued several times in Vienna.
Lucie likes most to cue hash-cue and choreographies of phase IV+.

Martin Prüfer (GER)
Martin has been square dancing since 1986 and round dancing since 1987. He graduated his first round class in Braunschweig in 1989. Martin and Marisa have lived in Munich for 25 years, Martin cuet there regularly for three clubs: Dancing Dragons, Tamara Twirlers and Swinging Bells.
The education and training of new cuers is a matter of the heart for Martin. He has conducted several cuer classes and cuer schools – in Germany, but also several weekend cuer schools in England.
Martin has been active in ECTA since 1988 and for several years has been responsible for the Round part of the ECTA Education Program (EEP) for several years.

Jan Valtyni (SVK)
Jan has been in the round dance scene for almost 20 years. Soon after his first dance steps he picked up the microphone and started to show his dance variations to the other dancers. He has been cuet and teaching for 15 years, and since 2008 he has been the club instructor and cuer of Karolina SDC Bratislava.
Jan has held dance workshops at several events in Slovakia and Czech Republic and is very proud to cue at Vienna Calling now. He has a lot of choreographies up to Phase VI in his repertoire.